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Home / News / Is it better to use dry batteries or lithium batteries for household battery energy storage systems?

Is it better to use dry batteries or lithium batteries for household battery energy storage systems?


Home battery energy storage systems are becoming more and more popular around the world because they uses a green energy source which is a very suitable alternative to dealing with energy shortages or an aging grid. Home battery energy storage systems have become popular in countries where energy is expensive and power is scarce, with installed capacity growing at up to 35% per year globally.


People may have questions when choosing batteries, today we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of dry batteries and lithium batteries for energy storage products.




Dry cell batteries, also known as disposable batteries, are a non-rechargeable battery. It consists of a positive electrode (usually zinc) and a negative electrode (usually carbon) separated by an electrolyte. The positive electrode contains electrolyte and carbon rods, and the negative electrode is a zinc can. The electrolyte is usually ammonium chloride or zinc chloride.


A lithium battery is a rechargeable battery that uses a lithium compound as a chemical intermediary between the positive and negative electrodes. Its positive electrode is usually composed of compounds such as lithium cobalt oxide, lithium iron phosphate or lithium manganate, while the negative electrode is composed of carbon materials such as graphite. The electrolyte is a lithium salt solution, usually a mixture of lithium salts and organic solvents.


Working principle:


Lithium batteries can be roughly divided into two categories: lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries. Lithium metal batteries use manganese dioxide as the positive electrode material, metal lithium battery metal as the negative electrode material, and a compound solution containing lithium ions as the electrolyte solution. Dry batteries use an absorbent (such as wood chips or gelatin) to turn the contents into a paste that will not spill.


Service life:


The service life of the dry battery is relatively short, because it is a disposable battery, the amount of electricity is how much when the factory is discharged, how much less each time it is used, it can not be replenished by charging the used energy, so its service life is usually about 1-3 months, the specific life length depends on the frequency of use, the size of the current and other factors. The lithium battery has a long service life, generally about 5-10 years, because after it runs out of power, it can be used again by charging, but the specific life is also related to the use of factors such as the number of charges.


Charging method:


Dry batteries cannot be recharged and can only be used once. Lithium batteries, on the other hand, can be recharged through rechargeable devices. Generally speaking, ordinary lithium-ion batteries need to go through 4-5 hours of charging time before they can be fully charged. DCBESS lithium battery charging performance is stable, it can complete charge and discharge within 2 hours, and the battery has a system to monitor the charge and discharge situation, which can prevent the overcharge and discharge of the battery, thereby protecting the life of the battery.


Safety of batteries:


Dry batteries will not cause safety issues such as leakage or explosion during normal use, but if they are accidentally swallowed, they may cause health hazards. Lithium batteries have certain safety risks. If they are overcharged, overdischarged or affected by external factors, safety issues such as leakage or explosion may occur. Therefore, when using lithium batteries, you need to pay attention to safe use methods to avoid danger. The DCBESS lithium battery has undergone several extrusion and needling tests before leaving the factory. Through the experiment, it is proved that this battery will not leak and explode. The battery's BMS monitors battery usage in real time.


Battery environmental friendliness:


Dry battery pollution is more serious, a lot of dry batteries contain mercury, lead and other heavy metals, the air pollution is more serious, due to the disposable batteries, quickly used up and thrown away. However, lithium batteries do not contain harmful metals and lithium batteries after waste less impact on the environment. In addition, lithium batteries can also be used by recycling.


Application fields:


Dry batteries are widely used in various fields due to their low price and relatively stable performance, such as remote controls, clocks, flashlights, etc. Lithium batteries are widely used in mobile electronic devices, electric vehicles and other fields due to their high energy density and high performance. At the same time, as people's awareness of environmental protection and energy conservation increases, the application scope of lithium batteries is also expanding.


Taking all these factors into consideration, if you have a plan to purchase lithium batteries the most cost-effective lithium battery I have to mention is the DCBESS lithium battery. It has strong safety, long service life of more than 10 years and high power efficiency. This kind of lithium battery is environmentally friendly. This battery can be used in conjunction with solar panels and inverters, which can meet the needs of home electricity. No more electricity bills. Best of all, it comes with a 5-year warranty. The quality of the products is guaranteed. For example, the ALL IN ONE system of DCBESS. The advantage of the all-in-one system is to integrate all the accessories in one device. Users can install it themselves. It can be used for solar power generation when it is sunny, and it has plugs charge to normal national grid for use when the power is off or less radiation. This product is very popular in Europe and Africa. If you are interested, click on the link to learn more: https://www.dcbess.com